In the pr@*nk video a man is shown driving a car. The car is fully equipped with camera and microphones. A guy is sitting behind him and hiding behind a pile of cloth. His hand on the other hand is inside the guys shirt through a hole.
The man who is driving hits off the streets of India. He gets some hitch-hikers and gives them a lift. At first he asks them some random questions and is juts relaxed. Then suddenly a blo*o*dy hand comes out of his che$*t. This $ca*re*s the hell out of the hitch-hikers. There were a few people he did the same pr@*nk on. The people who are being pr@*nked literally scream their lungs out. Two of them even get out of the moving car and run away. A guy on the other hand keeps on shouting.
It is h!l@ri*ous. The pranksters even show how the people run. The guy who does not go out who got a $h*0ck of his life finds out that it was just a pr@*nk and walks away. The expression of the pr@*nkster is even better. He acts in very br!ll!ant way. The man behind him on the other hand does the perfect camouflage. He has a $urg!*cal gloves in his hand which has been painted red and looks almost like bl0o*od. The video is very funny and is something that should be tried at one’s own r!$*ks.