Friday, September 11, 2015

@social Prank

This is a scene that we would image to come straight out of a horror movie. A group on Indian pranksters called PrankBaaz – Bach Ke Rehna re Baba ! have recreated a h0*rr*or movie scene into a pr@*nk video. The pr@*nk video with half a million views on YouTube is hilarious and kind of sc*@r&y but only for the one who is being pr@*nked.
In the pr@*nk video a man is shown driving a car. The car is fully equipped with camera and microphones. A guy is sitting behind him and hiding behind a pile of cloth. His hand on the other hand is inside the guys shirt through a hole.
The man who is driving hits off the streets of India. He gets some hitch-hikers and gives them a lift. At first he asks them some random questions and is juts relaxed. Then suddenly a blo*o*dy hand comes out of his che$*t. This $ca*re*s the hell out of the hitch-hikers. There were a few people he did the same pr@*nk on. The people who are being pr@*nked literally scream their lungs out. Two of them even get out of the moving car and run away. A guy on the other hand keeps on shouting.
It is h!l@ri*ous. The pranksters even show how the people run. The guy who does not go out who got a $h*0ck of his life finds out that it was just a pr@*nk and walks away. The expression of the pr@*nkster is even better. He acts in very br!ll!ant way. The man behind him on the other hand does the perfect camouflage. He has a $urg!*cal gloves in his hand which has been painted red and looks almost like bl0o*od. The video is very funny and is something that should be tried at one’s own r!$*ks.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

New Nepali Adhunik Song || YAAD PIUNA MILNE BHAYE || याद पिउन मिल्ने भए Manoj Raj || HD Video


Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Plane bursts into flames on runway at Vegas airport loaded with passengers as it prepared for take-off

A plane packed with passengers has burst into flames on a Las Vegas runway just moments before it was set to take off.
The British Airways flight bound for London Gatwick was taxiing on the tarmac at McCarran Airport on Tuesday night when it suddenly caught fire after a catastrophic engine failure.
Terrified travelers on other flights captured the plumes of smoke coming from the Boeing 777 as those on board were forced to jump down the evacuation slides and run away from the blaze.

The plane was quickly evacuated, with only two people taken to a local hospital for treatment after suffering minor injuries.
There were 159 passengers and 13 crew members on board at the time.
It is not yet known what caused the fire but images appear to show it coming from the left engine.
One runway was shut but flights continued to depart on remaining runways.
Jacob Steinberg, a football and tennis writer who was on the flight, Tweeted: ‘Just evacuated on a British Airways flight at Las Vegas airport after an engine caught fire. Don’t think anyone hurt.

Top Funniest Monkeys Compilation

Monkeys are haplorhine ("dry-nosed") primates, a group generally possessing tails and consisting of approximately 260 known living species. Many monkey species are tree-dwelling (arboreal), although there are species that live primarily on the ground, such as baboons. Most species are also active during the day (diurnal). Monkeys are generally considered to be intelligent, particularly Old World monkeys.
Lemurs, lorises, and galagos are not monkeys; instead they are strepsirrhine ("wet-nosed") primates. Like monkeys, tarsiers are haplorhine primates; however, they are also not monkeys. There are two major types of monkey: New World monkeys (platyrrhines) from South and Central America and Old World monkeys (catarrhines of the superfamily Cercopithecoidea) from Africa and Asia. Hominoid apes (gibbons, orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees, and humans), which all lack tails, are also catarrhines but are not considered monkeys.[3] (Tailless monkeys may be called "apes", incorrectly according to modern usage; thus the tailless Barbary macaque is sometimes called the "Barbary ape".) Because Old World monkeys are more closely related to hominoid apes than to New World monkeys, yet the term "monkey" excludes these closer relatives, monkeys are referred to as a paraphyletic group. Consequently, Hominoids are just as far related to New World monkeys as Old World monkeys are.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Chinese monk runs on water for 125 meter and breaks his own record by 5m

By managing to run on water for a full 125 meters, a Chinese Shaolin monk has broken records. Shi Liliang, a monk from the Shaolin temple in eastern Quanzhou city, used 200 floating plywood planks to assist his feat. It requires him to move quickly and tread incredibly lightly to succeed. Shi Liliang sprinted across a wide river in front of a large, cheering crowd who were willing him to succeed, wearing only a pair of black shorts and with his arms outstretched for balance.
Shi Liliang’s incredible feat, which was the third time he had attempted to break his own personal record of 120 metres has been captured in the video footage. The monk finally succeeded in crossing the 125 meter wide river, having spent a long time working on his speed and balance at Quanzhou Shaolin Temple.
As he been steadily setting targets and breaking record over the past year, it is unlikely to be Shi Liliang’s final effort. Having recorded 18 meters the previous October, he set his 120 meters record in January.
Describing his technique at the time, the monk told reporters that the discipline required both speed and patience, adding, ‘You need to be fast but you should take only small steps.’ Shi Liliang is a member of the Buddhist Quanzhou Shaolin Temple. The temple is world famous for the incredible feats of skill and endurance its monks have displayed over the years. The facility is the birthplace of kung fu and is also known as the Southern Shaolin Monastery. Since the Middle Ages before being embraced by Americans and Europeans in the 20th century, kung fu steadily had spread throughout east and south Asia since the Middle Ages.

A gruesome and bizarre scene in Langowan market Indonesia where endangered species are offered as local delicacies

Culture and food are interrelated terms. The fooding of the people depends on the culture and ways of their livelihood. In that case, the grotesque forms of foods are available in the world which is categorized under the non veg. In the case of Indonesia, in one of the biggest markets in the touristic spot of Langowan, Indonesia, here is everything which will make you shock. It is not the matter of magic which will make the viewers shock but it is about the gruesome views which will make the viewers tortured when they see the views found in the market of Indonesia.

From battered snake to spit-roasted bats, the smorgasbord of traditional delicacies on offer are not exactly appetizing. But they are ready made in the markets so that they can be bought by the local to fulfill their appetite. It is a taboo for those who do not eat but it can be the delicacies to the locals of Indonesia. The live dogs in the cages are roasted with the blowtorches on the pavement. Three meter long snakes are also sprawled in the tables so that they can be bought by the locals. The next recipes include pickled rats, boar legs, and bite-size bats on sticks and roasted lizards are cut open and displayed on their backs with their insides on show.

It is totally awful to see such scenes where the animals are killed without any reasons and they are killed brutally. The market, in the northern region of Sulawesi was in the controversy in 1993 after government inspectors found sellers trading babirusa, an endangered type of wild pig. Despite numerous regulations put in place, it took years to eliminate the trade. However, the bizarre market is being the tourist attraction but few are willing to taste their way through the full menu.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Kanpur News

Saturday, August 15, 2015

PRANK : Practical joke

A practical joke is a mischievous trick played on someone, generally causing the victim to experience embarrassment, perplexity, confusion or discomfort. A person who performs a practical joke is called a "practical joker". Other terms for practical jokes include prank, gag, jape, or shenanigan.

Practical jokes differ from confidence tricks or hoaxes in that the victim finds out, or is let in on the joke, rather than being talked into handing over money or other valuables. Practical jokes are generally lighthearted, reversible and non-permanent, and aim to make the victim feel foolish or victimized to a degree. However, practical jokes performed with cruelty or as part of the deliberate exclusion of someone from the in group can become bullying.

In Western culture, April Fools' Day is a day traditionally dedicated to conducting practical jokes.

Friday, August 14, 2015

STOP ! Aborting Girl Fetus ! ITS sin

गर्भपात करवाना गलत माना गया है, कृपया इस लेख को अवश्य पढ़े
अगर इसे पढ़ कर आपके दिल की धड़कने बढ़ जाये
तो शेयर
अवश्य करे |
अमेरिका में सन 1984 में एक सम्मेलन हुआ था - 'नेशनल राइट्स
टू लाईफ
कन्वैन्शन'। इस सम्मेलन के एक प्रतिनिधि ने डॉ॰ बर्नार्ड
नेथेनसन के
द्वारा गर्भपात
की बनायी गयी एक
अल्ट्रासाउण्ड फिल्म 'साइलेण्ट
स्क्रीम' (गूँगी चीख)
का जो विवरण
दिया था, वह इस प्रकार है- 'गर्भ की वह मासूम
बच्ची अभी 15 सप्ताह
की थी व काफी चुस्त
हम उसे अपनी माँ की कोख मेँ खेलते,
करवट बदलते
व अंगूठा चूसते हुए देख रहे थे। उसके दिल
की धड़कनों को भी हम देख पा रहे थे और
वह उस
समय 120 की साधारण गति से धड़क रहा था। सब कुछ
सामान्य था; किन्तु जैसे ही पहले औजार (सक्सन
पम्प) ने
गर्भाशय की दीवार को छुआ, वह मासूम
बच्ची डर से एकदम घूमकर सिकुड़
गयी और उसके
दिल की धड़कन काफी बढ़
हालांकि अभी तक किसी औजार ने
बच्ची को छुआ तक
भी नहीं था, लेकिन
उसे अनुभव हो गया था कि कोई चीज उसके आरामगाह,
सुरक्षित क्षेत्र पर हमला करने का प्रयत्न कर
रही है। हम
दहशत से भरे यह देख रहे थे कि किस तरह वह औजार उस
नन्हीं-मुन्नी मासूम गुड़िया-
सी बच्ची के टुकड़े-टुकड़े कर रहा था।
पहले कमर,
फिर पैर आदि के टुकड़े ऐसे काटे जा रहे थे जैसे वह
प्राणी न होकर कोई गाजर-मूली हो और वह
बच्ची दर्द से छटपटाती हुई, सिकुड़कर
तड़पती हुई इस हत्यारे औजार से बचने का प्रयत्न
रही थी। वह इस बुरी तरह
गयी थी कि एक समय उसके दिल
की धड़कन 200 तक पहुँच गयी! मैँने
अपनी आँखों से उसको अपना सिर पीछे
झटकते व
मुँह खोलकर चीखने का प्रयत्न करते हुए देखा, जिसे
नेथेनसन ने उचित
ही 'गूँगी चीख'
या 'मूक पुकार' कहा है। अंत मेँ हमने वह नृशंस
वीभत्स दृश्य
भी देखा, जब
सँडसी उसकी खोपड़ी को तोड़ने
के लिए
तलाश रही थी और फिर दबाकर उस कठोर
खोपड़ी को तोड़
रही थी क्योँकि सिर
का वह भाग बगैर तोड़े सक्शन ट्यूब के माध्यम से बाहर
नहीं निकाला जा सकता था।' हत्या के इस
खेल को सम्पन्न करने में करीब पन्द्रह मिनट
का समय
लगा और इसके दर्दनाक दृश्य का अनुमान इससे अधिक और कैसे
लगाया जा सकता है कि जिस डॉक्टर ने यह गर्भपात किया था और
जिसने मात्र
कौतूहलवश इसकी फिल्म
बनवा ली थी,
उसने जब स्वयं इस फिल्म को देखा तो वह
अपना क्लीनिक
छोड़कर चला गया और फिर वापस नहीं आया ! —
आपका एक शेयर
किसी अजन्मी बच्ची -
लडकी की जान बचा सकता है!

"Save Girls "

Request by Manoj Gajurel : With Regarding to Nepalese Political Status and Federal System

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Paraguayan 11-year-old gives birth after pregnancy sparked abortion debate

An 11-year old girl who became pregnant after being raped by her stepfather and was denied an abortion by Paraguayan authorities has given birth, in the culmination of a case which put renewed focus on Latin America’s strict anti-abortion laws.

The girl, known by the legal pseudonym “Mainumby”, gave birth to a girl weighing 3.55kg (7.8lbs) at the Reina Sofia maternity hospital, a facility run by the Red Cross in Asunción, Paraguay’s capital. The baby was delivered by Caesarean section as a natural birth was judged to be too dangerous.

Neither the mother nor the child are reported to have experienced any health complications. “It was like any other Caesarean, but with the age difference,” Reina Sofia Director Mario Villalba told local radio. “She’s well and progressing like in any other surgery, but we’ll see afterwards how she gets on as a mother.”

Erika Guevara, Americas director at Amnesty International, said in a statement that Mainumby was “lucky to be alive”, adding that “only time will tell the true extent of the physical and psychological consequences of her tragic ordeal”.

“The fact that Mainumby did not die does not excuse the human rights violations she suffered at the hands of the Paraguayan authorities, who decided to gamble with her health, life and integrity despite overwhelming evidence that this pregnancy was extremely risky,” she said.

The case first came to light when the girl’s mother took her to hospital in late April because she had begun to experience swelling and stomach pain. At that point, she was only 10 years old and was already over 20 weeks into her term.

Her mother had reported as early as January 2014 that her partner was abusing her daughter, but received no response from the authorities. The girl, her two siblings, mother and stepfather shared a rented room in Luque, a town on the outskirts of Asunción.

After doctors indicated that the girl was pregnant, her mother requested an abortion but Paraguay, where 89% of adults are thought to be Catholic, prohibits the procedure unless the pregnancy threatens the life of the mother.

Public Health Ministry officials told the Guardian at the time that there was “no reason to interrupt the pregnancy”, and argued that it would be “even more dangerous for the girl to undergo a procedure”.

Both the girl’s mother and father were arrested, and the girl was taken into the Red Cross hospital.

Her mother was subsequently released pending further investigation, and has spent the past 10 days at her daughter’s bedside, according to Elizabeth Torales, Mainumby’s lawyer. Torales told press that she would work to place both the girl and her daughter in the custody of her mother.

The government’s refusal to authorise an abortion, or consider changing the law, earned condemnation from the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, UN health officials and women’s rights groups within Paraguay.

But the authorities refused to change their position, and in the midst of the media storm the country’s most senior bishop used an Independence Day service on 14 May to criticize outside efforts to impose “barbarism, dehumanisation, and a culture of death”.

When Pope Francis visited the country in July he avoided any mention of the case, instead dwelling on the role played by Paraguay’s women in rebuilding the country after successive wars, calling them the “most glorious in the Americas”.

The case has also shed light on widespread child abuse in Paraguay. At least 600 girls aged 14 or under become pregnant in Paraguay every year – whose population numbers little more than six million people.

Villalba said that the Red Cross are currently treating two pregnant 12-year-old girls, as well as many others who had been the victims of sexual abuse by relatives.

“Unfortunately this case is not unusual for Paraguay, or the region,” Paula Avila-Guillen, advocacy adviser for Latin America and the Caribbean at the Center for Reproductive Rights, said. “It’s something that, very sadly, we see far too often, and that’s due to a lack of access to basic reproductive health services for girls and women, and a lack of understanding of the consequences for a girl of this very young age being forced to carry out a pregnancy.”

Avila-Guillen said that political and religious conservatism within Paraguay helped explain the government’s refusal to budge on the issue, but noted that devout countries such as Colombia were able to separate the law from religious belief in cases of rape or incest.

She called on the Paraguayan government to provide “an abortion law that puts women and girls first”, as well as “comprehensive and scientific sexual information and education” for minors.

“If women and girls feel comfortable about their bodies, know what is appropriate and are comfortable talking to their teachers and parents, they would be able to denounce abuse a lot earlier and feel empowered to say no to abusive situations,” Avila-Guillen argued, adding that free access to adequate contraception is also “fundamental” in preventing unwanted pregnancies.

“What is the future for that girl? What will be her opportunities? Can she stay in school? Can she become an adult and a woman that can decide what kind of life she has? She’s being forced to be an adult when she’s 11 and all her childhood is being put on hold,” she added.

“If they don’t take the necessary steps to protect girls and offer them basic health services, we will keep hearing of these cases,” she concluded.

Animals react to their own image in mirror

A h!l@rious video of a photographer setting up a mirror and motion sensors to see the reaction of animals to their own reflection has been released. The result of the project if mind blowing and very funny too. In the video it shows that when chimps see mirror they take advantage of the opportunity to preen themselves .On the other hand leopards and gorillas paw and charge at the familiar-looking creature. The experiment has been performed by French photographer Xavier Hubert Brierre.
He kept a mirror in different locations and filmed the wild animals walking by. He travelled to Gabon with his wife just to do the project. He set up motion sensors that trigger the cameras whenever some thing walked close to the mirror. The cameras were hid in security boxes so as to capture the image without creating trouble. The results are amazing and funny to watch. A leopard tries to feel the other leopard that he can see in front of him. A hu*ge silver back gorilla @tt@cks the mirror after staring at the reflection for a while. It attempts to confront what he thinks is another animal. An elephant also stares at it for a while and later just walks off. A group of chimpanzees spend time near the mirror just acting naughty which is very funny to watch. Some of them even stare at the mirror grooming themselves. Mr Brierre said the experience was a thoroughly enjoyable and fun.
Discarding the @tt@cks by various insects found in the African undergrowth and also the long days work in the dense jungle. He also says that he had to clean up the glass every other hour as the animals were so excited about it and were around it so much. It is @mazing how only a few animals were able to recognize their own reflection like humans. It is called the mirror self- recognition test. Only a few animals in the animal kingdom are can recognize their own images in the mirror whereas most animals respond to seeing their own reflection with aggre$sive behavior. On the other hand a Eurasian magpie is the only bird that was able to recognize itself in the mirror and pass the mirror test. Dolphins are known to be the best at recognizing themselves in the mirror. They are also known to see and cherish their own reflections.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Dhurmus Suntili In Kabhre

BANEPA, AUG 12 - The Dhurmus-Suntali Integrated Settlement constructed by artists was handed over to marginalised Pahari community on Wednesday.

The settlement developed at Panchkhal municipality-16, Dandagaun of Kavrepalanchowk in collaboration of popular comedy Tele serials Meri Bassai and Bhadragol and social network was handed over to the community. It took 70 days to construct the houses enabled with basic facilities at the total cost of around Rs 6.74 million.

Humour artists Sitaram Kattel (Dhurmus) and Kunjana Ghimire (Suntali) took the leadership to construct the settlement for the marginalized community.

Minister for Urban Development Dr Narayan Khadka and noted comedians Madan Krishna Shrestha and Haribamsha Acharya jointly handed over 20 homes with five bio-gas, 21 toilets, 20 drinking water taps and 20 disc home.

Artist Kattel informed that Nepal Army's contribution to construct the structures including houses in the model settlement was appreciative.

Speaking on the occasion, Minister Dr Narayan Khadka expressed the confidence that the action of Dhurmus-Suntali would help government devise short-term and long-term plan for settlement and commended the exemplary deed by the comedy artists.

Senior artist duo Madan Krishna and Haribamsha expressed happiness over the construction of homes by artists noting it has elevated the image of artists in philanthropic service.

The construction of each house costs Rs 336,839, informed Coordinator of Integrated Model Settlement Construction Kunjana Ghimire (Suntali).

Funny Videos 2015 try not to laugh or grin Funny Pranks | best Funny Videos 2015

In a major breakthrough for the grand secular alliance formed to take on the BJP, Janata Dal(United)-Rashtriya Janata Dal-Congress on Wednesday announced a seat-sharing formula for the forthcoming Bihar assembly elections. Addressing the media, Bihar Chief Minister said his party, the JDU, and Lalu Prasad Yadav-led RJD will contest on 100 seats each. The Congress will get 40 seats. The consensus on seat-sharing was said to have been developed between three parties "maha gathbandhan" (grand alliance). Bihar Assembly comprises of 243 seats. Meanwhile, Lalu Prasad Yadav said that a "Swambhiman Rally" will be held at the Gandhi Maidan in Patna on August 30. The rally seen as a response to a spate of crticisms levelled by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The Swambhiman Rally has been reportedly planned to step up heat against the BJP and give a befitting reply to PM Modi's barb against the Bihar chief minister calling his 'DNA' as being made of deceit and treachery.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Tri-Chandra student mowed down by micro bus

KATHMANDU, AUG 12 - Traffic in Ghanta Ghar and surrounding areas was disrupted for a while when students of Tri-Chandra campus blocked the vehicular movement and torched a micro bus that mowed down a student this morning.

Twenty-six-year-old Nangel Shrepa of Okhaldhunga was hit by a micro bus (Ba 1 Ja 9136) on zebra crossing while the driver behind the wheel lost control of the bus. He later succumbed to his injuries while undergoing treatment at Kathmandu Model Hospital.

Metropolitan Police Circle Durbarmarg DSP Ramesh Basnet said that the irate students also torched the micro-bus. Police said that the driver has been taken under custody for investigation.

Traffic in the area has now resumed after the brief disruption.

BroApp is Your Clever Relationship Wingman

On Sunday’s episode of “Silicon Valley,” the Pied Piper gang are back and meeting with venture capitalists after a lawsuit from their main competitor, Hooli, caused the VC company of the late Peter Gallagher to back out on investing in them. But there was also a funny subplot during the episode, in which Pied Piper member Dinesh (Kumail Nanjiani) tries desperately to sabotage his cousin’s Kickstarter campaign for his app called "Bro." Bro is a messaging app that lets you send the word “Bro” to everyone else who has the app. Showing his cousin he's "cool,” Dinesh donated $5,000 to his campaign, but now with Pied Piper's funding in peril, Dinesh doesn't have the money and tries to convince his cousin to halt the campaign. If Bro sounds familiar, that's because there’s a very similar app already on the market. The Yo app, created by Or Arbel — reportedly in only eight hours in 2014 — makes it possible for you to send people who also have the app the word "Yo."

Why did an anaconda pop out of Bengaluru's water-filled potholes?

Bengaluru potholes now appear to be so deep, that they are spawning all kinds of monsters, which well, have the potential to scare the hell out of someone caught unawares. The latest one to rear its head out of the netherworld of deep, water-filled potholes is an anaconda, with a hand projecting out of its mouth. In what has now become a series of attempts to embarrass the Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike into taking the quality of roads seriously, a civic group in the city has installed an anaconda in Yeshwanthpur. The Namma Bengaluru Foundation (NBF), a group working for the betterment of the city came up with the idea to call attention to the problem of water-logging in the city. It took two days for Chitrakala Parishath graduate Pushparaj to complete the giant snake and install it on Sunday in the Yeshwanthpur market. “There is humour, art, sarcasm in the craft, but more importantly, there is a deeper message in it that we are trying to deliver,” says Sridhar Pabbisetty, CEO of Namma Bengaluru Foundation. He says that residents are worried about potholes that are a regular feature on roads due to bad road maintenence and uncoordinated digging by various agencies. The lack of drainage systems has created a rise in diseases like malaria and dengue as stagnant water provides breeding grounds for mosquitoes. Installing the anaconda wasn’t an easy task as local goons tried to intimidate the artist and NBF members. Sridhar says that the goons stamped on the artwork and damaged it, but the presence of media forced them to retreat. The police requested the team to relocate the artwork. The installation drew the attention of passers-by, especially the children who were fascinated by a giant anaconda lying in the middle of busy market area. Many engaged with the team, showing interest in participating in debates and discussion to solve Bengaluru’s problems, he adds. On social media too, people were rather helpful with suggestions – several people said that there was plenty of scope for hippopatmuses, dinosaurs and even a Loch Ness monster to live comfortably in the gigantic water-filled pot-holes. “There has been an overwhelming demand for anacondas and people are giving locations across the city for such installations,” says Sridhar. Earlier, artist Baadal Nanjundaswamy had created a crocodile on a pothole, later floated paper boats on huge craters on the road. The Foundation is conducting debates in 8 wards in Bengaluru from 6.00 to 8.00 pm on the following days 12th Aug 2015, Uttarahalli, Shanthi Sagar Party Hall, #25, Subramanyapura Main Rd, Uttarahalli. 13th Aug 2015, Shettihalli, Annapoorna Party Hall, #57, Appayanna Layout, Abbigere Main Rd. 14th Aug 2015, Sanjay Nagar, Ramana Maharshi Center for Learning, Post office road, Sanjaynagar. 15th Aug 2015, Varthur, SDV mini party hall, Near Varthur Govt middle school, Varthur. 16th Aug 2015, Yeshwanthpura, Sri Acharya Ramanuja Samudaya Bhavana, Mayur complex, # 36, 1st main road, Yeshwanthpur. 17th Aug 2015, Kattriguppe, Sri Vinayaka party hall, No 117, 80 feet road, karthiguppe main road, BSK 3rd stage, Next to shani mahathma temple, 18th Aug 2015, Nagapura, Kadamba hotel part hall (Ambari hall), #707, Dr. Modhi Hospital road, Mahalaxmipuram. 19th Aug 2015, Kodigehalli, Sri Lakshmi Padmavathi Venkataramanswamy Devasthana, Near Gangamma Devasthana Kodigehalli Circle

Is it a rock? A shadow? Or a 'Woman on Mars’? Internet divided on NASA’s Mars photograph

Nasa's Curiosity Rover has been prowling the surface of the red planet for the past few years and has made several discoveries over the course of its adventures.

But none are as intriguing as the discovery of a 'woman' 'with long hair and a dress' by a blogger who has written extensively about the woman in a blog, unsurprisingly called UFO Sightings Daily. Before you read further, have a long and clear look at the photograph below, released by Nasa as part of a series of high-resolution images captured by Curiosity. What do you see? A clear picture of Mars' surface, the rocky terrain maybe? Can you spot anything unusual? Look again. The encircled area is where the 'woman' stands, according to UFO Sightings Daily. In a post titled 'A strange woman walking on Mars? News intriguing images of Mars are discussed on the Internet', the writer elaborates on the vision, writing, "It seems there is a woman standing on top of a cliff, with long hair, wearing a dress, watching the Jeep probe. Just above, it appears an impression that leads to something similar to a manhole with a lever at the top. And next, it is something that looks like a small building or a tent. Logo on your left, there seems to be a painting on the wall (a greeting?)." These points are illustrated with zoomed and highlighted images the apparent shapes. The 'Woman on Mars' images were to quick to go viral with some speculating about its authenticity while most joked about the unlikeliness of signs of life on Mars, much less humanoid signs. While the internet debates (and jokes) about the woman who made it to Mars, the whole idea seems to be more like a Rorschach test — 'What can you see in the image'? Some may see a rock protrusion, others a shadow and maybe some will see the apparition. So, what do you see?

He Is About To Rape A Girl He Met On Facebook. But Watch What Happens When Her Parents Show Up!

In the United State there are over 750,000 registered child predators. And Social media is an ever growing platform that we use to connect with friends, and family members. But while most of us are adults are pretty safe, for children and young adults? The dangers are there and they’re very, very real. Aren’t they? To prove just how alarming this situation is, YouTube filmmaker Coby Persin creates a social experiment with the permission of the teenage girl’s parents, creates a fake facebook profile andarrange a meet and get them into a van. Sounds harsh, but we think this is an important investigation and it’ll definitely open your eyes… . Be sure to watch until the end, and use what we’ve learned in this video to better educate your friends and family. What was found in this video is shocking and everyone should see. Please SHARE this video with everyone you know, it could save an innocent life.

New Teej Song 2072 Paani Puri "पानी पुरी "by Pashupati Sharma & Janaki Tarani Magar

Teej (Nepali: तीज); (Punjabi: ਤੀਜ (Gurmukhi)), and (Hindi: तीज) is a generic name for a number of festivals that are celebrated in Nepal, Northern and Western India. Haryali Teej, Kajari Teej and Hartalika Teej welcome the monsoon season and are celebrated primarily by girls and women, with songs, dancing and prayer rituals. The monsoon festivals of Teej are primarily dedicated to Goddess Parvati and her union with Lord Shiva. Teej refers to the monsoon festivals, observed particularly in western and northern states of India and Nepal. The festivals celebrate the bounty of nature, arrival of clouds and rain, greenery and birds with social activity, rituals and customs. The festivals for women, include dancing, singing, getting together with friends and telling stories, dressing up with henna-coloured hands and feet, wearing red, green or yellow clothes, sharing festive foods, and playing under trees on swings on Haryali Teej. The festivals are dedicated, in many parts of India and Nepal, to Parvati. "Teej" refers to the "third" day that falls every month after the new moon (Amavasya), and the third day after the full moon night of every month. The monsoon festivals of Teej include Haryali Teej, Kajari Teej and Hartalika Teej. Teej festivals are traditionally observed by women to celebrate the monsoons, on the the third day of the Indian month of Shravan, and on the third days of the waning and waxing moon of the Indian month of Bhadrapud. Women also pray to goddess Parvati seeking the wellness of their husband, children and their own self.

Monday, August 10, 2015

WalkCar electric vehicle is like a laptop that you ride

We've seen some highly-portable electric vehicles before, including diminutive scooters and skateboards. Cocoa Motors' new WalkCar, however, makes those gizmos look huge. It's used more or less like a Segway, but it's not much bigger than a laptop. The WalkCar has four tiny wheels, an aluminum body, and is intended to be carried in an included bag when not in use. Steering is achieved by shifting your weight, while acceleration and braking happen automatically when you step on or off. Its top speed is 10 km/h (6.2 mph) and its built-in battery takes three hours to charge via USB, providing a range of 12 km (7.5 miles). Although it looks pretty puny, the WalkCar is reportedly powerful enough to push a person in a wheelchair up an incline, and it can handle payloads weighing up to 120 kg (265 lb). We've reached out to its Japan-based designer for more details, but are still waiting to hear back. One thing we do know, however, is that it's slated to be the subject of a Kickstarter campaign beginning in October. It's hoped that a production model will be out by next spring (Northern Hemisphere), priced at around 100,000 yen (about US$800).

Funny Videos: Stupid people doing stupid things

The Ministry of Agricultural Development on Monday informed the Parliamentary Agriculture and Water Resource Committee that the country may lose an estimated Rs25 billion from paddy crop this year if eight Tarai districts in the eastern and central regions continue to suffer from poor rainfall for two more weeks. The eight districts—Saptari, Siraha, Dhanusha, Mahottari, Sarlahi, Rautahat, Bara and Parsa—have been hit hard by late and insufficient rainfall this year, with average paddy transplantation of just 40 percent of the combined 326,501 hectares of land. Poor plantation in these districts has pulled down the national average plantation to 73.7 percent as of August 7. Paddy is cultivated on 1.42 million hectares. Normally, the Tarai districts have a spill-over period until mid-August. In some cases, paddy can be planted till early September. In the same period last year, transplantation in these Tarai districts were completed on 53 percent of the fields. The transplantation rate was at 95 percent as of August 7 in 2013-14. “If the water shortage problem persists, the country could lose paddy worth Rs 25 billion this year,” Yogendra Karki, joint-secretary at the Agriculture Ministry told the lawmakers on Monday. “Losses in the eight rain-deficit districts could hover around Rs12 billion if the rain situation does not improve.” The country had produced paddy worth Rs100 billion in fiscal year 2014-15. Paddy output dropped 5.1 percent to 4.78 million tonnes last year due to late monsoon and untimely rainfall. The ministry had estimated a loss of Rs5 billion last year. As the situation is likely to aggravate this year too and could result food insecurity, the Parliamentary committee on Monday directed the Ministry of Irrigation to study the feasibility of solar-powered shallow tube well facilities in the Tarai districts that have been suffering water deficit during the key paddy plantation season for a long time. The committee has directed the Irrigation Ministry to coordinate with the Ministry of Agricultural Development and the Alternative Energy Promotion Centre to conduct the feasibility of the solar-powered irrigation system in Nepal. Water shortage is a persistent problem in these districts. Droughts are expected to strike there, triggering fears of a famine. Agro experts said drought and soaring temperatures have left farmlands in the districts with extensive cracks and even the transplanted paddy seedlings have turned yellow. According to Karki, the ministry has requested the Finance Ministry to allocate an additional budget for the programme to install additional shallow tube well in the affected districts. The ministry has also decided to expedite its “system of rice intensification” and “direct seedling rice” system in the affected districts. Agro experts said the economic outlook for the next year is bleaker amid weak monsoon forecasts. Agriculture, the major contributor to Nepal’s economy, is mainly rain-fed. In 2011-12, paddy production rose an impressive 13.7 percent, and as a result, the farm sector’s growth rate swelled to 4.63 percent. However, in 2012-13, paddy output dropped 11.3 percent and the economic growth rate slumped to a six-year low of 3.5 percent. Nepal’s economy inched up just 3 percent in the last fiscal year due to the April 25 earthquake and a drop in paddy production.

World's Biggest Earthquake Ever Recorded - Full Documentary

An earthquake (also known as a quake, tremor or temblor) is the perceptible shaking of the surface of the Earth, which can be violent enough to destroy major buildings and kill thousands of people. The severity of the shaking can range from barely felt to violent enough to toss people around. Earthquakes have destroyed whole cities. They result from the sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust that creates seismic waves. The seismicity, seismism or seismic activity of an area refers to the frequency, type and size of earthquakes experienced over a period of time. Earthquakes are measured using observations from seismometers. The moment magnitude is the most common scale on which earthquakes larger than approximately 5 are reported for the entire globe. The more numerous earthquakes smaller than magnitude 5 reported by national seismological observatories are measured mostly on the local magnitude scale, also referred to as the Richter magnitude scale. These two scales are numerically similar over their range of validity. Magnitude 3 or lower earthquakes are mostly almost imperceptible or weak and magnitude 7 and over potentially cause serious damage over larger areas, depending on their depth. The largest earthquakes in historic times have been of magnitude slightly over 9, although there is no limit to the possible magnitude. The most recent large earthquake of magnitude 9.0 or larger was a 9.0 magnitude earthquake in Japan in 2011 (as of March 2014), and it was the largest Japanese earthquake since records began. Intensity of shaking is measured on the modified Mercalli scale. The shallower an earthquake, the more damage to structures it causes, all else being equal.[1] At the Earth's surface, earthquakes manifest themselves by shaking and sometimes displacement of the ground. When the epicenter of a large earthquake is located offshore, the seabed may be displaced sufficiently to cause a tsunami. Earthquakes can also trigger landslides, and occasionally volcanic activity. In its most general sense, the word earthquake is used to describe any seismic event — whether natural or caused by humans — that generates seismic waves. Earthquakes are caused mostly by rupture of geological faults, but also by other events such as volcanic activity, landslides, mine blasts, and nuclear tests. An earthquake's point of initial rupture is called its focus or hypocenter. The epicenter is the point at ground level directly above the hypocenter.

Teej Song by Khuman Adhikari and Ramila Neupane

Teej is a generic name for three festivals that are celebrated in Nepal to welcome the monsoon season. It is primarily a festival celebrated by girls and ladies.The festival of Teej is dedicated to Goddess Parvati and her union with Lord Shiva. Its main aim is to promote and save the Nepali culture, tradition which are fading off day by day through lok dohori geet either from any cast or community from any part of Nepal. Watch Video and subscribe Music Nepal for upcoming latest video updates

Trisana Music pvt. ltd Presents beautiful melody Teej Song 2072 From Album “Aasirbad Magchhu” A Song About Woman dancing and singing Festival Teej. In this video beautiful melody vocal by Khuman Adhikari and Ramila Neupane. Lyrics by Baburam Bohara and Khuman Adhikari. Exclusively presented and marketed by Music Nepal & Samita digital pvt. ltd. Featuring model Nita Dhungana and Bijaya Thapa. Featuring Model Parbati rai, Samjhana, Mahesh and Sanjeev with direction of Prakash Bhatt

8 Bol Bom devotees dead in Bardibas accident

MAHOTTARI, AUG 10 - A bus carrying Bol Bom devotees swerved off the road killing eight people at Patu-5 of Bardibas Municipality on Monday.

Thirty people have been injured in the accident involving the bus (Ja 1 Kha 529) that was returning from a pilgrimage to Shiva Temple on the banks of Langur River in Sindhuli.

According to Police Inspector Chandeshwor Yadav, the identities of deceased have not been established yet as the security personnel are busy with rescue works.